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GUINNESS WORLD RECORD! Seven Continents, Seven Marathons 25 Days, 18 Hours, 10 Minutes 6 November, 2011 Soweto, South Africa The current record for "Fastest time to complete a marathon on each continent (male)" is: The fastest time to complete a marathon on each of the seven continents (male) is 25 days, 18 hours and 10 minutes, and was achieved by Donald Kern (USA), from 6 November to 1 December 2011. (Yes, someone broke the record already on his second attempt--but hey, records were made to be broken) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It wasn't the first attempt. Check out my blog from the last couple times. Around the world in 25 Days Scroll down to my current blog and read about the whole adventure. For the two previous attempts in 2007, click below. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Click this or scroll down to find my normal, everyday blog. Sometimes people find it mildly amusing. Sometimes they don't. My biggest project of the year: The Metro Health Grand Rapids Marathon! This website designed & maintained by "Marathon" Don Kern, solely for my own amusement. You can't buy anything here, (NO WAIT! CLICK HERE) but if you want to stop by and buy me a beer sometime, that would be cool. All stories copyright Don Kern unless otherwise noted.
Interview on K-LITE in Santa Barbara
Stuff my friends are doing -- check it out!! Dan Manning, one of my best drinking buddies, has struck again with his FIRST BOOK, Android Down. I am the proud owner of one of the first copies, autographed, of course. Check it out, his stuff is always fun to read. danmanning.com
Yes! He was naked at the North Pole too! |